Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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4 October 2014Tomislav NikolićPresident of Serbiapredstavkegradjana@predsednik.rsmediji@predsednik.rspress@predsednik.rsAleksandar VučićPrime Minister of Serbiahttp://www.srbija.gov.rs/vlada/kontakt.phpPresident Nikolić and Prime Minister Vučić,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresSerbia is dying. It has lost 5% of its population in the past ten years and continues to decline by 0.5%every year. With a fertility rate stuck at 1.4 children per woman, zero immigration and net emigrationdue to stagnating economic conditions even optimistic projections show that the country will lose 1.7million or 23% of its people over the next 30 years. Even more alarmingly, Serbia has an old populationwith an average age of 42 years, the death rate continuously exceeds the birth rate, people aged 65+ willincrease by 14% and the old age dependency ratio by 62% over the next three decades, a fifth of allhouseholds already consist of just one person, the economically active population is decreasing rapidlyand as of 2010 it is down to 39.7%, and the labor market dependency ratio is already the highest inEurope at 135 dependents for every 100 working people.Why is Serbia dying? Because its people have been subjected to covert depopulation measures since theend of World War II, when Prime Minister Tito appeased the international community and boughtneutrality by implementing the only covert method of population control known at that time, namelywater fluoridation, just as the UN insisted all countries with the necessary infrastructure must do. As aresult the total fertility rate went from 4 children per woman in 1945 to 2.1 by 1980 when Tito died.The dying of Serbia accelerated in the 1990s due to the war and the country’s disintegration andsubsequently due to the influx of adulterated food from the West, which is laced with endocrinedisruptors at source and from specially manufactured plastic packaging while en route to market.And since Serbia signed the Partnership for <strong>Peace</strong> with NATO in 2006, planes have rained poisonouschemtrails from the sky upon the helpless people to shorten the lifespan of the baby boom generationbefore they bankrupt the state and GMO imports have been allowed into the country to completelyeviscerate whatever little is left of the people’s reproductive abilities, which have been devastated to suchan extent that the crude birth rate per 1000 went from 30 in 1950 to 9 in 2013, a three-fold decrease.725 | P a g e

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