Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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It is far too early to determine what policy the current King of Saudi Arabia, Salman binAbdulaziz Al Saud, will pursue, as he has only been at the helm of the country a month, but ifhistory is any indication we can be almost certain that he will continue to use endocrinedisruptors and sterilizing vaccines to suppress the natural fertility of the Saudis so it stays at orbelow replacement level.Judging by the low contraceptive prevalence rate and absent any open declarations of ambitiouspopulation control measures and targets through legal and open means, the Saudis will continueto be poisoned into sterility, imbecility and ill-health along with the rest of the world, save for afew still sane countries.Abortion is a non-factor in the fertility decline since it is illegal and allowed only to save the lifeor health of the woman.Saudi Arabia is in stage four of the demographic transition.719 | P a g e

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