Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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24 January 2015Manuel Pinto da CostaPresident of São Tomé and Prínciperdstppmun@gmail.com, secmesa@parlamento.stpcd@parlamento.st, mlstp-psd@parlamento.stadi@parlamento.st, dsaf@parlamento.stPatrice TrovoadaPrime Minister of São Tomé and Príncipedsapd@parlamento.st, garepi@parlamento.st, ci@parlamento.sthttp://www.gov.st/content.php?intMenuID=8http://www.saotome.st/contactus.phpPresident Da Costa and Prime Minister Trovoada,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresSão Tomé and Príncipe gained its independence from Portugal and became a UN member statein 1975, but did not join the Global Depopulation Policy until 1980 when the total fertility ratestood at 6.5 children per woman. There is no evidence to suggest that covert or involuntarymethods of population control have been used by the government, which is why the reduction infertility is modest and the current total fertility rate stands at 4.7 children per woman.This means that you have protected your people from the genocidal methods of the UN and itswestern sponsors and for this, President Da Costa, you have my deepest respect. However, giventhe country’s low contraceptive prevalence rate, which has never exceeded 38%, it is clear thatinternational NGOs have performed involuntary sterilizations in your country from time to time.As the second smallest African country with a population that has tripled since 1960 and with65% of your people under 24 years of age, São Tomé and Príncipe faces a population explosionand in one way or another it will have to bring down the total fertility rate to just two childrenper woman, the so-called replacement level fertility.The UN system will push you and eventually force you in insidious ways to begin poisoningyour people with chemical and biological toxins in order to subvert their fertility, as it has donethroughout the world since 1945 under the direction of the Allied Powers. Luckily for yourpeople, I put an end to the genocidal methods encouraged by the UN by simply freeing the truthand breaking down the walls of secrecy, lies, deception and repression. Now I am in the process713 | P a g e

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