Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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22 January 2015Ralph GonsalvesPrime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadinespmosvg@vincysurf.com, arobin@gov.vc, nutritionsvg@gov.vcmission@svg-un.org, svgmission@gmail.com, mohesvg@gov.vcoffice.natsec@mail.gov.vc, office.foreignaffairs@mail.gov.vc,svgforeign@gmail.com, office.education@mail.gov.vcoffice.socialdevelopment@mail.gov.vcPrime Minister Gonsalves,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresSaint Vincent and the Grenadines was forced into the Global Depopulation Policy by its Britishoverlords in 1957, twelve years before Britain granted you control over your internal affairs anda full twenty-two years prior to winning your independence in 1979. As a result, your totalfertility rate declined from 7 children per woman prior to 1957 to 4.4 by 1980 when you becamea UN member state and assumed control over the program of covert depopulation and beganinjecting women with Noristerat and Medroxy Progesterone and a few years later introducedfluoride rinse programmes in schools and fluoridated salt in grocery stores and so brought downthe total fertility rate to just 1.9 children per woman.You can continue to sicken your people and degrade your children by poisoning the entirepopulation slowly into extinction, as the UN advises, or you can join my effort to declarereplacement level fertility a Planetary Security Prerogative and enshrine it in international law sothe responsibility for curtailing family size passes into the hands of the people and depopulationtargets can be achieved safely, ethically and justly. To accomplish this we need to reform theUN system as I have described in my just published and freely available book, The Future ofGlobal Governance.If you stay the course you will soon face charges for crimes against humanity and history willjudge you harshly. If you join my effort to reform the UN system you will save St. Vincent’schildren from genocide and from a life of ill-health and will also help the world attainsustainability.If the latter sounds like the more attractive option then I suggest you waste no time and empoweryour ambassador to the UN, Ms. Inga Rhonda King, to initiate reform. And while she works thediplomatic channels, which are already on high alert due to my activism, you must free the truth697 | P a g e

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