Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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9 October 2014Paul KagamePresident of Rwandahttp://www.presidency.gov.rw/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=1&Itemid=71Anastase MurekeziPrime Minister of Rwandahttp://www.gov.rw/?page=contactPresident Kagame and Prime Minister Murekezi,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresRwanda has been through hell and back. Its nightmarish journey was planned by the nation’spolitical elite and watched by the international community, which chose to allow longstandingethnic strife between Hutus and Tutsis to develop into genocide so as to aid the implementationof depopulation objectives that could not be reached by other means.Within one hundred days in 1994, almost 2 out of 10 Rwandans (and 70% of all Tutsi) wereexterminated. As a result, the population declined from 7.1 to 5.3 million in a single year, buthas since more than doubled due to very high fertility rates of 6 children per woman and todayRwanda has more than 11.6 million souls and the highest population density in continentalAfrica at 420 people per km 2 .Competition for land triggered the genocide in 1994, when the population density was half ofwhat it is today. Unless Rwanda immediately passes a law restricting family size to two childrenand makes contraceptives freely available it is only a matter of time until another conflict eruptsdue to resource scarcity.Your administration is undoubtedly and rightfully under great pressure by the UN and itsagencies to adopt covert population control measures, but I advise you to refuse to allow theinternational community to forcibly sterilize your people through vaccines or to poison them toinfertility through GMOs. Instead you must legislate population control and avoid repeating themistakes made by the developed world, mistakes that have rendered the people feeble, feeblemindedand chronically ill and have reduced and degraded their genetic and intellectualendowment.681 | P a g e

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