Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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While Russia is on the right track, the rest of the world is wholly at the mercy of the Anglo-Saxon genocidal lobby and the moneyed interests that fuel it. We, the people of the world, askfor Russia’s help to get this diabolical coalition off our backs.I am the only point of resistance left and the last hope of the western world, which is in selfdestructmode. We have been sold out by the Church and betrayed by the medical profession.The people of the western world have been zombified by seven decades of poisoning of theirminds and bodies. They are simply physiologically incapable of helping themselves and needhelp from abroad. This means that I cannot possibly succeed without the active assistance ofRussia and the other BRIC nations. I am a proud person and do not like to ask for anyone’s help,but it is not my life I am begging for, but the lives of the world’s children who are in thecrossroads of a coalition of mass murderers who are now poisoning us into extinction from theair.Please see me without delay so we can discuss how we can rescue mankind from destruction bythe forces of evil. I will make my way to Russia at your convenience. In the meantime, pleaseinstruct RT to broadcast the truth to the world. Yes, Russia was part of the genocidal coalitionbut is no more.If you do not act now, you will not get another chance. Every day costs millions of lives andcountless genetic lines are extinguished. Every day the forces of evil are drawing nearer to yourborders looking for war. You have heeded my calls and have made discreet changes in yourcountry. Now is the time to heed my call and make a concrete and unmistakable contribution tothe wellbeing of the world. We can bring this coalition of mass murderers to their knees if youallow the Russian press to tell the world the truth and if you empower the institutions of state torelease the classified information that enable this silent war of attrition.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness676 | P a g e

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