Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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which is a blatant lie since Romania lacked the medical facilities and the trained personnel toperform abortions on such a massive scale and since sub-replacement level fertility couldpossibly correspond to the people’s preferred family size then or now.As soon as Nicolae Ceaușescu became General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party in1965, he shut down covert depopulation measures and made abortion illegal and within one yearthe total fertility rate surged from 1.9 children per woman in 1966 to 3.7 children per woman in1967 and 1968 and by 1970 fertility stabilized at circa 2.6 children per woman where it stayeduntil 1975.The sudden surge in children clearly shows that until 1966 the people’s fertility had beencovertly undermined by chemical means.In 1974, the third World Population Conference took place in Bucharest, Romania, and PresidentCeaușescu came under heavy financial and political pressure from the UN and the greaterinternational community to reactivate covert chemical sterilization measures. He immediatelyrestarted the depopulation program and by 1982 Romania reached replacement level fertilityagain.During the 1970s the abortion rate was at around 45%, which confirms reports, and thecontraceptive prevalence rate was supposedly at 58%, which contradicts reports sincecontraceptives were nearly impossible to get at that time.Unhappy with population control imposed from abroad, Ceaușescu decided in 1982 to pay offRomania’s $9 billion foreign debt and began exporting the majority of the country’s agriculturaland industrial products. As soon as he was no longer dependent on World Bank money andsubject to IMF impositions, he abandoned the covert sterilization program and fertility went from2 children per woman in 1983 to 2.4 in 1986 despite universal hardship and hunger caused by theexport of Romania’s natural resources and manufactured goods to pay off the foreign debt.Romania’s foreign debt was fully paid by the summer 1989. Shortly after, on the 25 December1989, the Romanian military and security apparatus, undoubtedly acting on orders from the CIAand the KGB, executed the president and his wife after a mock trial that lasted one hour and,paradoxically, found him guilty of genocide and sabotage of the Romanian economy. Ceaușescuwas executed by Romania’s military leaders in order to hide their own complicity in genocideand so as to be able to restart the depopulation program, which they had already done a yearbefore the execution.By 1990, Romania reached its lowest total fertility rate yet, 1.8 children per woman, and in 2002it reached the lowest low of 1.25 children per woman. This happened during the presidency ofIon Iliescu, a man with known KGB connections, and a communist party member since 1953 aswell as a member of the Central Committee since 1965.671 | P a g e

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