Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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The program of covert depopulation has continued unabated under the freely elected presidentsof Poland from day one of independence: Lech Wałęsa (1990-1995), Aleksander Kwaśniewski(1995-2005), Lech Kaczyński (2005-2010), and incumbent Bronisław Komorowski (sinceAugust 2010. Through the combined efforts of Poland’s freely elected presidents the country’stotal fertility rate was further reduced from 2 to 1.3 children per woman. Poland’s total fertilityrate has been at sub-replacement level since 1992 and reached a lowest low of 1.2 children perwoman in 2003.Clear and indisputable evidence that this low fertility has absolutely nothing to do withcontraceptives and everything to do with covert chemical poisoning via endocrine disruptors, isprovided by Poland’s contraceptive prevalence rate, which is currently below 50% (of whichonly 28% by modern methods) and was at a high of 75% only for a brief period from 1975 to1979 when covert chemical methods had been shut down to see if the fertility would stay stableby contraceptives alone. It did not. As the total fertility rate graph above shows, Poland’sfertility actually increased from 1975 to 1980. Annual statistics show that Poland’s total fertilityrate was 2.27 children per woman in 1975, 2.31 in 1976, 2.33 in 1977, 2.30 in 1978, 2.39 in1979, and 2.42 in 1980 when covert chemical methods were reintroduced and the total fertilityrate began dropping again. This shows that a 75% contraceptive prevalence rate cannot evenkeep the fertility stable let alone at or below replacement level.During communist times abortion did play a role in Poland’s fertility decline, but by no means aprimary role. As the historical record shows, 30% of all pregnancies ended in abortion duringthe 1960s, 25% during the 1970s, and 16% during the 1980s. As soon as communism fell in1990 and the population returned to its catholic values, abortion virtually disappeared overnightand the rate has remained far below 1% from 1993 until today.Poland is in stage four of the demographic transition and will enter stage five in a couple ofyears, as soon as deaths surpass births. Deaths and births are currently at near parity (376,000births versus 372,000 deaths).657 | P a g e

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