Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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20 September 2014Bronisław KomorowskiPresident of Polandhttp://www.president.pl/en/contact/, dsz@kprm.gov.plDonald TuskPrime Minister of Polandkontakt@kprm.gov.pl, sprm@kprm.gov.pl, bkss@kprm.gov.plPresident Komorowski and Prime Minister Tusk,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresNo other European country has suffered as much as Poland due to foreign aggression. In modern historyalone your country has been torn apart and your intellectuals murdered by the Germans (theIntelligenzaktion of 1939), the Russians (the Katyn massacre of 1940), and most recently by the genocidalcoalition that masquerades as the international community and whose pillars are the US, the UK andRussia.The last genocide started in 1945, is ongoing, and targets not only the Polish people but all people onearth, being part and parcel of the Global Depopulation Policy agreed upon by the Allied Powers at theEnd of World War II and implemented ever since in the strictest secrecy as a substitute to war.The Catholic Church has protected the Polish people until 1970 when it too succumbed to the genocidallobby. President Lech Kaczyński tried to protect the Polish people and paid with his life.If this government continues to covertly poison its citizens with fertility-depressing toxins in order tocomply with an international order that demands crimes against humanity and is centrally delegated fromthe UN, your country will not only disintegrate politically but also morally and Poland will never againraise a Fryderyck Chopin, a Nicolaus Copernicus, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie, or a Joseph Conrad. Whatit will raise instead is only infertile idiots, for that is what happens to people subjected to chronicpoisoning by endocrine disruptors over multiple generations.If you want to save your people from genocide and save yourselves from lynching you must see mewithout delay so that together we can forge global consensus for worldwide population control laws andreturn the world to sanity.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness655 | P a g e

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