Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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contraceptives but increasing drop in fertility since 2010, one can only conclude that thegovernment of the Philippines has expanded the use of fluoridated water. Clearly, the currentcontraceptive prevalence rate of 49% (of which only 36% by modern methods) cannot possiblyaccount for the relatively low fertility rate of 3 children per woman.Abortion is illegal and therefore a non-factor in the fertility decline.Western NGOs affiliated with the UN system have been subverting the people’s reproductiverights with or without the government’s knowledge or consent with sterilizing vaccinesadministered under various pretexts for the past twenty years.Efforts to control population growth began in the early 1960s during the Presidency of DiosdadoMacapagal (1960-1965) and have continued unabated under all subsequent presidents: FerdinandMarcos (1965-1986), Corazon Aquino (1986-1992), Fidel Ramos (1992-1998), Joseph Estrada(1998-2001), Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (2001-1010), and the incumbent Benigno Aquino III(since June 2010).The Philippines has been rewarded for its population control efforts with a rising GDP. As thedata shows, the country’s GDP did not start growing until 1980, by which time fertility haddeclined from 7.5 to 5 children and did not start its explosive growth until 2000, by which timefertility had declined to 4 children. As elsewhere increased affluence follows decreased fertilityand not vice versa.The Philippines has just entered stage three of the demographic transition.653 | P a g e

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