Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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16 September 2014Benigno Aquino IIIPresident of the Philippines, op@president.gov.phPresident Aquino,651 | P a g eRe: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresThe people of the Philippines are under attack. The United Nations and its agencies, aided by foreign aidorganizations such as USAID, are using family planning and health services to covertly sterilize the Filipinopopulation through adulterated vaccines and oral contraceptives. They are also using food, water and beverages tocause not only sterility but also morbidity and premature mortality through the use of toxic endocrine disruptors andGMOs.I applaud the passage of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No.10354), which gives Filipinos access to free contraceptives, but warn you that the Act will be abused unless strictlymonitored to ensure that it will indeed “promote, without bias, all effective natural and modern methods of familyplanning that are medically safe and legal” and is not merely used and abused as a front for the covert use ofendocrine disruptors that not only render the populace infertile without their knowledge and consent but alsoincrease morbidity and mortality intentionally in order to tackle the population problem from both ends, birth anddeath.Over the past three years, I have exposed the covert methods employed by the UN and its western sponsors tocontrol population worldwide through covert chemical, biological and bacteriological methods that are immoral andcriminal. I have also exposed the psychosocial and economic methods used to subvert the family structure and theability of nations to provide social services and adequate infrastructure. In retaliation I have been arrested andimprisoned six times, my family has been destroyed, my children taken away from me and to this day held hostage,my career shattered and all my income streams subverted so I will acquiesce to genocide. But I never will. Instead Iwill guide the world towards the only alternative, worldwide legislation for population control.I urge you to expel all foreign aid organizations from your country as well as all UN agencies and to take control ofyour nation’s population problem. In your inaugural speech you promised to “serve and not to lord over” thepeople. I remind you also of your father’s advice “to live with honor and follow your conscience” and to serve theFilipino people “with all your heart, with all your might and with all your strength”. I also warn you that neitherthe Church nor the UN or western governments are to be trusted on this matter. They work hand in glove.You are a man of principles and extraordinary integrity and I trust that you will fulfill your country’s internationalobligations without resorting to genocide. You can do so by legislating family size and by helping me forge globalconsensus for worldwide laws limiting people to replacement level fertility. For this is the only way to protect thepeople from genocide, to ensure their wellbeing and prosperity, and to safeguard future generations from war,famine and environmental degradation.I stand by to fly to the Philippines for face-to-face discussions.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness

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