Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Three peculiarities indicate that fluoride poisoning is the method of choice for the Bahrainigovernment to subvert the people’s fertility since 1971. First, Bahrain is an aluminum exporterand the aluminum industry is the biggest fluoride polluter. Second, the groundwater on whichBahrain depends for agricultural and domestic use contains fluoride levels that are high or evenunsafe for drinking according to a 1996 study. And third, since 1976 Bahrain dependsincreasingly on water desalination plants to meet the water demand of its people and since seawater has rather high levels of naturally-occurring fluoride the government can decide whatfluoride concentrations to provide its citizens with and of course the government will follow theWHO guidelines, which are meant to do maximum damage to human fertility.In 2003, for instance, the total water withdrawal of Bahrain was 357 million m 3 and it was metby three different sources: primary groundwater 239 million m 3 , desalinated water 102 millionm 3 , and treated sewage effluent (used for the irrigation of crops) 16 million m 3 . This means thatirrespective of where Bahrainis get their drinking water from it will contain sterilizing levels offluoride in it.Those who drink bottled water, whether imported or domestic, will drink it out of plastic bottlesmade from bisphenol A plastic, which is a known endocrine disruptor and just as effective asterilizer as fluoride. And since the vast majority of foods consumed in Bahrain are importedand wrapped in bisphenol A plastic packaging or augmented with just enough fluoride bywestern genocidal corporations with seven decades of experience in subverting the reproductivesystems of westerner, none of the basic elements of life that Bahrainis depend on are safe forhuman consumption, as they are all adulterated with endocrine disruptors to cause sterility orsubfertility.And that is how Bahrain has accomplished a drop in fertility rates from 7 to less than 2 childrenper woman in a little more than a generation without having any family planning services tospeak of.As an absolute monarchy with half the government composed of Al Khalifa family members (allof whom have a multitude of children because they alone have access to non-sterilizing water,drinks and food) and torture as the method of choice for suppressing freedom and democracy, itis fair to say that Bahrain is a family fiefdom frozen in the distant past, utterly indifferent to thepeople’s rights and liberties and interested only in the enrichment and perpetuation of the AlKhalifa clan.If you King Al Khalifa, Crown Prince Al Khalifa, and Prime Minister Al Khalifa want to hangon to your heads, you better listen to what I have to tell you and do as I tell you without delay.Stop poisoning your people into infertility, imbecility, ill-health and enfeeblement and legislatepopulation control or you will be torn to pieces by the very men, women and children you now65 | P a g e

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