Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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22 January 2015Juan Carlos VarelaPresident of Panamatransparencia@asamblea.gob.pa, pciudadana@asamblea.gob.paemb@panama-un.org, http://www.mire.gob.pa/contactenoshttps://www.facebook.com/VarelaJCIsabel Saint MaloPrime Minister of Panamahttp://www.minsa.gob.pa/consultas-y-comentariosdirecciongeneral@inamu.gob.pa, buzonpresidencia@organojudicial.gob.paprensa@organojudicial.gob.pa, ciaco@organojudicial.gob.pahttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Isabel-Saint-Malo-de-Alvarado/130394330468904http://www.defensoriadelpueblo.gob.pa/index.php?option=com_aicontactsafe&view=message&layout=message&pf=3&redirect_on_success=&Itemid=165President Varela and Prime Minister Malo,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresPanama is a UN founding member but did not join the Global Depopulation Policy until 1962.As a result, the total fertility rate declined from nearly 6 children per woman prior to 1962 to 2.4today. Since 1999, when you took control over the Panama Canal and assumed the cost offamily planning services from the US, the drop in fertility has been accomplished through the useof fluoridated salt as well as though food and beverages adulterated with endocrine disruptors.Considering that the population has grown threefold since 1960 and that such growth isunsustainable anywhere on earth and particularly undesirable for a country with your richbiodiversity, population control was inevitable and must continue. What is no longer inevitableis the use of covert and involuntary methods that constitute genocide and devastate human healthand degrade our species.Not only are such methods illegal, immoral and unhealthy, they are also no longer possible forthe simple reason that I exposed them and broke down the walls of secrecy and deception erectedby the UN and its western sponsors to keep the con going. If you continue to use them you willface charges for crimes against humanity and Panama will descend into violence and retributionsooner or later. And that is not an outcome anyone in their right mind would want.631 | P a g e

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