Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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19 September 2014Mahmoud AbbasPresident of Palestine, info@pgmc.psRami Hamdallah, president@najah.eduPrime Minister of PalestineIsmail HaniyehPrime Minister of Palestine, ihaniyyeh@hotmail.comPresident Abbas, Prime Minister Hamdallah and Prime Minister Haniyeh,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresAs a Canadian, and in light of the undemocratic and unethical behavior of Prime Minister StephenHarper, I must begin this letter by apologizing to the Palestinian people on behalf of all Canadians for theunconditional support Mr. Harper has given Israel; support that has neither the consent nor the permissionof the Canadian people who are in the vast majority offended and embarrassed by our prime minister andenraged by the crimes committed by the state of Israel against the Palestinian people.Every Palestinian child murdered in cold blood by the Israeli war machine, every acre of land stolen byIsrael through its illegal settlements encroaching on Palestinian territory, every bomb dropped on innocentand defenseless civilians by the Israeli air force, every act of violence and humiliation committed againstthe Palestinian people on a daily basis and on their own land by Israelis constitutes a dark and indeliblemark on the conscience of humanity. By supporting and encouraging these crimes, Mr. Harper not onlymisrepresents the will of my people, he also makes all Canadians complicit in the vile crimes committedby Israel against the Palestinian people. More than this, Mr. Harper and the disgraceful and subservientCanadian media put words in the mouths of my countrymen that no self-respecting Canadian would everutter and that are the very opposite of what we think, feel and want.Regardless how high the concrete walls are that Israel builds around the territory it has stolen or taken byforce from the Palestinian people, they cannot protect them from the shame that Israel has brought uponitself or from the disdain and contempt the people of the world feel towards the ethnic cleansing and theterritorial theft that Israel engages in at the expense of Palestine. That this shame has come home to roostis clearly shown by the refusal of Israeli Special Forces from Unit 8200 to continue to serve the state anddivide and subvert the Palestinian people. It is in these officers that the true nature of the Israeli peopleresides and the true nature of all people and it is this nature that we must all nurture – our true nature.Equally ineffective are the carefully controlled and utterly distorted reports forthcoming from the Jewishownedglobal media, which serves as a cover not only for the Palestinian genocide, which unfolds beforethe eyes of the world, but also for the global genocide, which has been taking place since 1945 in the625 | P a g e

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