Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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21 January 2015Qaboos bin Said al SaidSultan of Omanoman@un.int, info@omaninfo.om, post@jadaliyya.comhttp://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/contactinfo@sgrf.gov.om, https://www.facebook.com/timesofomanhttp://www.timesofoman.com/FeedbackFahd bin Mahmoud al SaidDeputy Prime Ministerhttp://www.omaninfo.om/english/module.php?module=contactushttp://www.manpower.gov.om/portal/en/ContactUs.aspxhttp://www.sgrf.gov.om/contact.htmlSultan Qaboos and Deputy Prime Minister Fahd,Re: Immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresOman became a UN member state in 1971 and joined the Global Depopulation Policy in 1985when its total fertility rate was an astounding 8 children per woman. Covert methods ofdepopulation have in the meantime reduced the total fertility rate down to 2.5 children perwoman.Nearly a quarter of the population is made up of foreign workers but the remaining 3 millionpeople are natives and this means that Oman’s population has increased sixfold since 1960.Population control therefore could not come too soon to Oman. With one of the hottest climatesin the world, most of its landmass covered by gravel desert and little rainfall, Oman cannotaccommodate high population densities. Even with the current density of just 13 people persquare kilometers Oman has great difficulties providing enough water for agriculture anddomestic use.Clearly, population control must continue but not by covert chemical and biological methods thatsicken the people and constitute genocide. The time has come to bring the population controlprogram into the open and enshrine replacement level fertility in international law as a GlobalSecurity Prerogative. To accomplish this I have just published a document, The Future of GlobalGovernance, which explains why this is necessary and provides a plan. To accomplish this wemust also educate the public and to this end I provide my work free of cost to each and all:609 | P a g e

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