Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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21 January 2015Daniel OrtegaPresident of Nicaraguanicaragua@un.int, cooperacion@minsa.gob.nidgrs@minsa.gob.ni, dra@minsa.gob.ni, dgeca@minsa.gob.nivigepi@minsa.gob.ni, administracion@minsa.gob.ni,mlashtar@cancilleria.gob.ni, ecardenas@cancilleria.gob.nilbustamante@cancilleria.gob.ni, drpe@ejercito.mil.niPresident Ortega,589 | P a g eRe: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresAlthough a UN founding member, Nicaragua did not join the Global Depopulation Policy until1975 and the total fertility rate consequently dropped from 7 children per woman prior to 1975 to2 today. As elsewhere in Latin America this rapid decrease has been accomplished byinvoluntarily sterilizing the populace with fluoridated salt.Considering that the population of Nicaragua grew from 1.5 million in 1950 to 6 million today, athreefold increase in just half a century, population control was inevitable. What is notinevitable is how this is accomplished. In the past, structural obstacles stood in the way of openpopulation control which were insurmountable and that is why the UN and national governmentsproceeded in secret. These obstacles are no longer insurmountable and since the current covertmethods cause irreparable damage to the human genome the time has come to abandon them foropen, legal and safe methods.To accomplish an international order free of genocide and to have peace without poison we mustreform the UN system. How and why I describe in my recently published and freely availablebook, The Future of Global Governance. What it boils down to is that replacement level fertilitymust be declared a Planetary Security Prerogative and enshrined in international law from theglobal governance level so that people across the world know what is expected of them and whyand can assume control over their own reproductive systems. This is necessitated not only tomaintain international peace but also to accomplish sustainability.Either there is a rule of law or there isn’t. For if there isn’t then we will have to protect ourchildren from state-sponsored lawlessness with lawlessness in self-defense. And since thatwould invalidate the premise of population control as a peacekeeping measure, as it would leadto war, it makes no sense to stay the course. Equally nonsensical is the notion that we could everreach sustainability without depopulation. This foolishness is spectacularly encapsulated in

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