Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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14 September 2014King Willem-Alexanderhttps://www.rijksoverheid.nl/contact/contactformulierMark RuttePrime Ministerhttps://www.government.nl/contact/contact-formKing Willem-Alexander and Prime Minister Rutte,Re: immediate cessation of covert methods of depopulationLet me begin by thanking Princess Beatrix, then Queen of the Netherlands, for encouraging the EuropeanJournalism Centre (EJC) in 2012 to grant me access to their professional website so I can bypass theAnglo-Saxon net of media censorship. To date, the EJC remains the only mainstream media organizationin the western world to give me a voice.No other country in the world has dealt with its land shortage and population pressure problems moreintelligently than the Netherlands. You are an example to the world with regards to doing more with lessand, as if by a miracle, you also succeed in being the second-largest food exporter in the world.Dutch expertise stands as a beacon to the world and as proof that we can sustain a large population untilsuch time as we succeed in bringing down the fertility rate of every nation on earth so we can gradually,humanely and lawfully decrease the global population to a sustainable level over the next century. TheDutch political system is among the most progressive in the world and can be a guiding light to the worldby legislating population control and thus take the wind out of the sails of the genocidal lobby, whoinsists on covertly poisoning humanity into sterility and shorter lifespans.We can accomplish the demographic transition and keep our humanity. I can show you how. But youmust show courage and break free of the coalition of the unwilling cobbled together by mutual coercionmutually agreed upon and delegated by the meek bureaucrats and technocrats of the United Nations.Population control is not a problem that can be solved on the sly by meek technocrats and eugenicdoctors. It is a problem that can only be solved by true leaders who are willing to stand in front of theworld and spell out the dire realities so that the people can make the right choices.I hope that you will invite me to Holland without delay so we can discuss how to forge global consensusfor population control legislation. Since I am already on European soil I could be in your country withinhours. Take the opportunity I am offering you or face history’s brutal judgment.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCentre of Global Consciousness579 | P a g e

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