Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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9 December 2014Hifikepunye Pohamba, President of Namibiajnauta@iway.na, kashindi@gmail.com,namibia@un.int, rkamwi@mhhs.gov.naHage Geingob, President-elect and Prime Minister of Namibiaprimeminister@opm.gov.na, info@missionofnamibia.chheadquarters@mfa.gov.na, pety@iway.nahttp://www.moe.gov.na/contactus.phpPresident Pohamba and Prime Minister Geingob,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresNamibia joined the Global Depopulation Policy informally in 1985 and formally in 1990, throughactivities initiated by the Südwestafrikanische Volksorganisation (SWAVO), the political partyresponsible for the liberation of Namibia and in power since the liberation of Namibia in 1990. As aresult, the total fertility rate declined from 6.2 children per woman prior to 1985 to 2.3 as of 2014. Themost rapid decline in fertility occurred in 2004 when the total fertility rate dropped from 4.6 to 3.1children per woman, a 32% decline in a single year.At no point in time could Namibia’s war against fertility be ascribed to better education and improvedaccess to contraceptives. Since 2004, however, the rapid decline in fertility is blatantly the result ofsterilizing vaccines and drugs administered under the pretext of improving child and maternal health. Theculprits are the tetanus toxoid vaccine and the Malaria drug Coartem, an artemisinin-based combinationtherapy.While Namibia is one of the least densely populated countries in the world it is also devoid of water,being the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa and entirely dependent on groundwater. Furthermore, only1% of its landmass is good for agriculture and half the population already depends on subsistencefarming. This means that Namibia has to stabilize its population. Namibia, however, does not need to usecovert methods of depopulation and subject its people to involuntary sterilizations under the pretext ofbetter health.I therefore urge you to legislate replacement level fertility and empower your people to restrict family sizewith safe and free or heavily subsidized contraceptives.To free yourselves of the yoke imposed on your country by the UN system and its western sponsors,which is based on genocide, I encourage you to join my effort to compel the international community todeclare replacement level fertility a Planetary Security Prerogative and enshrine it in international law.563 | P a g e

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