Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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itself in 2011, but installed in the presidential office one of their own, General Thein Sein, whowas Myanmar’s Prime Minister from 2007 to 2011 and therefore well familiar with the covertmethods of depopulation employed by the military junta.Myanmar’s contraceptive prevalence rate continues to be low at 40% and therefore incapable ofeven masking let alone being the true reasons of the country’s low fertility rate. Militarydictatorships, however, do not need to cover up the tracks of their crimes, as the UN and itswestern sponsors need to in order to maintain the illusion of democracy and the fiction of therule of law.Abortion is a non-factor in Myanmar’s fertility decline as it is illegal and allowed only whennecessary to save a woman’s life.Myanmar’s economic data confirms what we have seen throughout the world again and again,namely that affluence follows low fertility. As soon as Myanmar’s total fertility rate reachedreplacement level in 2005, the GDP per capita began to rise rapidly and constantly.560 | P a g e

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