Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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15 January 2015Mohammed VI of Morocco, King of MoroccoAbdelilah Benkirane, Prime Minister of Moroccoinfo@morocco-un.org, mission.maroc@ties.itu.int, Contact@sante.gov.mahttps://www.facebook.com/Abd.Benkiranehttps://www.diplomatie.ma/en/Nouscontacter/tabid/2932/language/en-US/Default.aspxKing Mohammed VI and Prime Minister Benkirane,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresMorocco joined the United Nations in 1956 and the Global Depopulation Policy in 1962. Consequently,the total fertility rate of the Moroccan people dropped from 7 to 2.2 children per woman to date and thepopulation is forecast to peak in 2050 at 43 million.This engineered demographic transition is being accomplished as elsewhere in the world by covertlysubverting the people’s fertility with chemical and biological toxins inserted in water, beverages and foodor delivered directly into the bloodstream through vaccines.Not only is this method of population control in violation of the Genocide Convention it is also no longernecessary because the world now has all the tools it needs to pursue population control legally, safely,openly and justly. What is missing is the confession that governments throughout the world, assisted bythe UN and its agencies, practice covert depopulation. How to remedy this problem and steer a newcourse, as well as why this is necessary, I describe in my newly published document “The Future ofGlobal Governance”.I suggest you read this document carefully, in advance of the forthcoming international meetings onsustainability in Addis Ababa, New York and Paris, and direct Ambassador Loulichki to lobby for UNreform accordingly. And to prepare your people for the transition from covert to overt methods ofpopulation control and for the decarbonization of the economy, I urge you to freely access and widelydisseminate my work, which is available online here:http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalaehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf9rWLgwzGW34EITo0x7fAhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/kevingalalaeShould you need my help, I stand by to assist you in any way I can.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness549 | P a g e

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