Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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The historical record shows that abortion did play a significant role in controlling populationgrowth from 1960 to 2000, time during which half of all pregnancies ended in abortion. Sincethen, however, endocrine disruptors have made conception rare and to date the abortion rate hasdeclined to 28%.The incidence of abortion has declined by half and the contraceptive prevalence rate has declinedfrom its peak of 74% to 68%. Fertility, however, did not go up as it should have if abortion andcontraceptives had been the principal reasons for its suppression. Instead, the total fertility ratehas continued to decline rapidly and has sunk below 1.2 children per woman since 1996 andremains there to this day. This disconnect between fertility and contraceptives/abortion can onlybe explained by covert depopulation measures.Moldova is in stage five of the demographic transition as the population has been decreasingsince 1999 due to negative growth and not just emigration.530 | P a g e

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