Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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16 January 2015Manny MoriPresident of Micronesiaforeignaffairs@mail.fm, fsmrd@dea.fm, fsmnso@mail.fmcongresspio@mail.fm, fsmfish@mail.fm, national@comfsm.fmyap@comfsm.fm, kosrae@comfsm.fm, chuuk@comfsm.fm,fsmun@fsmgov.orghttps://www.facebook.com/pages/President-of-the-Federated-States-of-Micronesia-Manny-Mori/101958003172867President Mori,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresThe Federated States of Micronesia was forced into the Global Depopulation Policy in 1950, justthree years after becoming a United Nations Trust Territory under US administration, butpopulation control measures were soon abandoned and not restarted until 1972. Covert methodsof depopulation were employed on the people of Micronesia from 1972 until the end ofAmerican administration in 1987, by which time the total fertility rate declined from 7 to 5children per woman.As soon as the country became a UN member state in 1991, it took control over the depopulationprogram and in the meantime the total fertility rate has declined to 3.4 children per woman. Boththe country’s population pyramid and population graph show this rollercoaster history ofengineered population control.While I do not dispute the necessity of population control I strongly object to the methodsencouraged by the UN, its western sponsors and cooperating governments. These methodsconstitute genocide by any definition and lead to infertility in a quarter of the population after523 | P a g e

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