Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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sugar have been used to undermine the reproductive rights of all Mauritians and in the processdamage their health and degrade their genetic and intellectual endowment, as shown for instanceby the 30% obesity rate among children 6 to 19 years of age, and by the 158 annual deaths fromasthma (the 42 nd highest rate in the world) despite the fact that Mauritius is ranked second in theair quality index released by the WHO in 2011.With 1.3 million people and a very high population density of 618 people per square kilometer,Mauritius is dangerously overpopulated and I do not for a second question the need for strictpopulation control. But there is no need for the use of covert and genocidal methods whenreplacement level fertility can be legislated and the people empowered with education and safeand cheap contraceptives to control the size of their own families as a duty towards the planetand for the sake of future generations.If you continue to commit genocide in the false hope that nobody knows and that the system is socontrolled that nobody will ever know you will find yourselves dead in the gutter in the not toodistant future or, if you are lucky, serving life sentences for crimes against humanity.I am now giving you the unique opportunity to restore the rule of law, decency and democraticprocesses to your country and people before it is too late. You will find all the tools you need totell the truth and educate your people in my freely available work:http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalaehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf9rWLgwzGW34EITo0x7fAAvail yourselves of this opportunity and all will be well. Miss it and all hell will break loose.For the time being people are dazed and confused by the news that their own electedgovernments have been poisoning them into sterility and chronic illness for decades. Mostpeople are so shocked that they refuse to believe it and seek shelter in denial. But denial is afickle friend and when it leaves anger comes in its stead and then there will be no place to hideon this green earth for the politicians, scientists, doctors, bureaucrats and soldiers who arepartners in crimes against humanity of an order of magnitude that makes Hitler look like ababysitter.I stand by to help you if and when you decide to be on the right side of history.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness514 | P a g e

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