Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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and by a method of their own choosing rather than being poisoned on the sly by their ownelected governments.If we fail to accomplish this in 2015, which is the year the world will embark upon sustainability,we will fail across the board and a century from now the entire world will look like Ebeye Island,if we do not kill each other by then. To make sure that we do not fail I urge you to tell yourpeople the truth and to educate them. My work can help you do this and I am providing it toeach and all free of cost:506 | P a g ehttp://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalaehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf9rWLgwzGW34EITo0x7fAI hope you join my effort to save our children from genocide, the planet from environmentaldestruction, and future generations from misery of Biblical proportions and that you will instructyour ambassador to the UN, Ms. Amatlain Elizabeth Kabua, to call for reform of theinternational system.I stand by to help you in any way I can.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness

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