Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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19 January 2015Christopher Loeak, President of Marshall Islandsmarshallislands@un.int, info@rmiembassyus.orgrmiembtp@ns41.hinet.net, rmisuva@sopacsun.org.fjjibak@rmiembassyjp.orgPresident Loeak,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresMarshall Islands became self-governing in 1979 and a UN member state in 1991 when it alsojoined the Global Depopulation Policy. The total fertility rate has consequently decreased from6 children per woman prior to 1991 to 3.2 today.Considering that the population of the Marshall Islands grew nearly 400% since 1960 and that ithas run out of land and suffers a density of 340 people per square kilometer on 24 overwhelmedand low-lying coral atolls that are slowly being swallowed up by the rising sea level due toglobal warming, population control is too little too late. Ranked as the most endangered due toflooding from climate change, the 70.000 people of the Marshall Islands are in deep trouble andwill soon have to relocate elsewhere; probably to the U.S. due to the Compact of FreeAssociation your nations signed in 1986.Not only do the Marshallese suffer from the effects of radioactive fallout caused by 67 nucleartests conducted by the U.S. from 1946 to 1958 – tests that have rendered your island paradise themost contaminated place in the world – you are now also paying the ultimate price, the loss ofyour islands to rising sea levels, for the lifestyles of people in the developed world, lifestyles thatare unsustainable and are damaging the planet’s life-support systems.An aerial look at Ebeye Island, where almost a quarter of all Marshallese live and which is acenter of Marshallese culture, shows just how precarious your situation is.What is now happening to your people will soon happen elsewhere in the world unless wechange course. How to change course and why I describe in my recently published and freelyavailable book, The Future of Global Governance, which I hope that you will read without delay.To change course we need to reform the UN system so that replacement level fertility can bedeclared a Planetary Security Prerogative enshrined in international law so that people across theglobe can take control of the depopulation effort and limit their own reproductive rights safely505 | P a g e

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