Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Equally responsible are the following presidents: Anthony Mamo (1974-1976), Anton Buttigieg(1976-1981), Albert Hyzler (1981-1982), Agatha Barbara (1982-1987), Paul Xuereb (1987-1989), Ċensu Tabone (1989-1994), Ugo Mifsud Bonnici (1994-1999), Guido de Marco (1999-2004), Eddie Fenech Adami (2004-2009), George Abela (2009-2014), and incumbent MarieLouise Coleiro Preca (since April 2014).Replacement level fertility was reached in 1968 and a lowest low of 1.4 children per woman in2002, where it remains to this day.That Malta’s steep decline to replacement level fertility has nothing to do with contraceptivesand everything to do with covert poisoning is amply demonstrated by the non-existent use ofcontraceptives during the 1950s and the relatively low contraceptive prevalence rate during the1960s, the two decades during which Malta experienced the steepest decline in fertility andreached replacement level fertility.The historical record shows that abortion is a non-factor in Malta, as the rate is extremely low atless than 2%.No sooner did Malta reach replacement level fertility in 1968 than its GDP per capita beganexploding. Once again, Malta’s experience confirms that affluence is a consequence of lowfertility and not vice versa.Malta is in stage four of the demographic transition and will enter stage five within the next fiveyears if it continues to keep its fertility at sub-replacement level.503 | P a g e

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