Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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17 October 2014Abdulla Yameen, President of the Maldiveshttp://www.presidencymaldives.gov.mv/Index.aspx?lid=6President Yameen,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresMaldives joined the Global Depopulation Policy in 1990 and the total fertility rate has declined from 7 to1.9 children per woman today. The population peaked in 2009 at almost 400.000 and has been decliningever since. Such a steep transition in fertility rates could have only been accomplished through forcedsterilization.Given your nation’s extraordinarily high population density of 1,102 people per km 2 , one of the highestpopulation densities in the world; the lack of land and natural resources; forecasts predicting futureinundations and the need to evacuate the islands before the end of the century due to rising sea levels; aswell as your pledge to become a carbon-neutral country by 2019, the Maldivians had no choice but togive up their reproductive freedom.Nowhere in the world is the precariousness of life and the fine balance between man and nature moreclearly evident than in the shallow atolls of the Maldives, the planet’s lowest lying country with anaverage ground level elevation of just 1.5 meters above sea level. The 2004 tsunami, which devastatedyour island nation, brought home this message loud and clear.As the third most endangered nation in the world due to flooding from climate change, the Maldiviangovernment had to act and had to act fast. But if you are to maintain political and social stability untilsuch time as you lose your islands to the rising ocean, you must stop forced sterilizations and adoptlegislation that limits family size to two children per woman. You cannot hang on to the illusion ofdemocracy and the pretense of Islamic law while you violate both political rights and religious normswith impunity by forcibly sterilizing your women.The people have a right to know what the bitter reality is and what expectations this bitter reality imposeson all of us. Once they know they will accept restrictions on their fertility. To ease the transition fromcovert to overt methods of population control I urge you to inform your people of the methods and meansby which the UN and nations around the world have subverted their people’s reproductive rights since1945. You will find all the information you need about this dark secret of the world in my work, which Imake freely available to everyone here: http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalae.Join me in forging global consensus for worldwide population control legislation as a Planetary SecurityPrerogative and you will not only save your people from genocide but also the world from disintegratinginto unprecedented violence.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Governance493 | P a g e

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