Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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depopulation program irrespective of political party: William McMahon (1971-1972), GoughWhitlam (1972-1975), Malcolm Fraser (1975-1983), Bob Hawke (1983-1991), Paul Keating(1991-1996), John Howard (1996-2007), Kevin Rudd (2007-2010, 2013-2013) and theincumbent Tony Abbott (since September 2013).As elsewhere, the data shows that Australia’s low fertility has little or nothing to do withcontraceptives. From 1962 to 1976, when the country’s fertility rate declined at the fastest rate,the contraceptive prevalence rate was below 50% throughout the sixties and below 67%throughout the seventies. Furthermore, since the early 1990s contraceptive use has been goingdown, but fertility is not increasing and has remained below replacement level.Nor can abortion be responsible for the fertility decline since the historical record shows thatAustralia’s abortion rate has been stable at 18%-23% since 1984.Australia has been rewarded for its genocidal zeal with a growing GDP. As the data shows, theGDP per capita began rising rapidly around 1980 when the country had already reachedreplacement level fertility. As elsewhere, Australia’s prosperity is a consequence of low fertilityand not vice versa.Australia’s population is still growing but solely due to high immigration.Australia is in stage four of the demographic transition.48 | P a g e

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