Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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since 2000, who, incidentally, has five children while the general native population cannot evenmuster one.Luxembourg’s nobility has been aided in the genocide by the following prime ministers: PierreWerner (1959-1974, 1979-1984, he also attended the Bretton Woods conference that set up theInternational Monetary Fund), Gaston Thorn (1979-1984, also President of the United NationsGeneral Assembly in 1975, and President of the European Commission 1981-1985), JacquesSanter (1995-1999, also President of the European Commission from 1995-1999), Jean-ClaudeJuncker (1995-2013, also the current President of the European Commission since March 2014).That Luxembourg’s sub-replacement level fertility has little or nothing to do with the way peopleuse contraceptives is amply demonstrated by Luxembourg’s contraceptive prevalence rate whichwas never higher than 74%, as the graph below shows.Nor has it anything to do with the country’s abortion rate, which has never been higher than0.85% (in 1971), as Luxembourg’s historical abortions statistics clearly show.Luxembourg has been rewarded for its war on fertility with a growing per capita GDP, whichbegan to rise as soon as replacement level fertility was reached in 1969.Luxembourg has reached the fifth and last stage of the demographic transition in the 1980s butmasks this fact through heavy immigration.471 | P a g e

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