Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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24 September 2014Tony AbbottPrime Minister of Australialibadm@liberal.org.auhttps://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pmPrime Minister Abbott,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresAs a member of the Five Eyes Alliance, Australia has made itself into a pariah state and hasshattered its longstanding reputation as a country of the rule of law and a respectable member ofthe international community. More alarmingly, Australia’s governing elites have become a partyto mass murder in 1962, when they mandated the fluoridation of the country’s drinking water.As expected, that act of genocide has been followed by many others and today Australia employsevery covert depopulation method in the arsenal of the genocidal coalition that is being delegatedfrom the UN.You have inherited this system and as such are not responsible for the crimes committed by yourpredecessors, but you are responsible for the crimes that are being committed on a daily basisthrough the structural violence perpetrated on the Australian people by the institutions of state inthe name of the Global Depopulation Policy and under your leadership.Neither you nor your predecessors have the people’s mandate to condemn them to sterility, illhealthand mental retardation, for these are just a few of the consequences of chronic, long-termpoisoning by endocrine disruptors and neurotoxins. Your government is therefore illegitimateand you can only reclaim legitimacy when you stand in front of the people and ask them forforgiveness for fifty-two years of government-sponsored genocide.Shut down all the poisons before the people shut you down. I have done what none of theworld’s leaders have had the courage, decency or intelligence to do, outline and expose a sevendecades-oldprogram of genocide. Follow my lead and get on the right side of history by guidingyour country to legal and transparent means of population control before it is too late andAustralia descends into chaos.I stand by to fly to Australia if you need my help or my guidance.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness46 | P a g e

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