Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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19 January 2015Letsie III of LesothoKing of Lesothosps@palace.org.ls, agric@ilesotho.com,lesenyehom@health.gov.lslesenyehom@yahoo.comhmf@finance.gov.lsTom ThabanePrime Minister of Lesotholesothonewyork@gmail.com, foreign@gov.lsps@megya.gov.ls, dps@megya.gov.ls, dps@justice.gov.lsadmin@mtec.gov.ls, minmolg@leo.co.lsKing Letsie III and Prime Minister Thabane,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresLesotho became a UN member state as soon as it won its independence from Britain in 1966 andjoined the Global Depopulation Policy in 1975. As a result, the total fertility rate has declinedfrom 6 children per woman prior to 1975 to 3.3 today. This decline has been accomplishedprimarily through sterilizing vaccines.Considering that 40% of Lesotho’s people live below the international poverty line and that thepopulation has grown from 800.000 in 1950 to 2.2 million today, a nearly threefold increase,Lesotho had to adopt population control measures sooner or later. The time has also come tobring the depopulation program out in the open worldwide and shift from covert, illegal andunhealthy methods of depopulation to overt, legal and safe methods. Why this is necessary andhow it can be accomplished I describe in my just published and freely available book, The Futureof Global Governance.The current international system is killing us and sickening our children. It is also forcing freelyelected governments to commit genocide. This is not a sound foundation for lasting peace. Asound foundation for lasting peace is replacement level fertility enshrined in international law asa Planetary Security Prerogative so that every man and woman on earth knows what is expectedof them and why and can exercise control of their own reproductive system by a method of theirown choosing.447 | P a g e

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