Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has practiced population control since 1956 whenKim Il-sung (1948-1994) was the Supreme Leader of the country. From 1956 until his death in1994 the total fertility rate declined from 5 to 2.4 children per woman. His son and successor,Kim Jong-il (1994-2011), brought the total fertility rate down to replacement level fertility by1998, where it remains to this day, since the policy of mass poisoning is being continued by thecurrent leader, Kim Jong-un, the son of Kim Jong-il.North Korea’s contraceptive prevalence rate of 58% cannot possibly explain the country’s subreplacementlevel fertility. No official statistics of North Korea’s abortion rate exist, but a recentUN report indicates that forced abortions are rampant on women repatriated from China, lestthey give birth to a racially impure child, and that infanticide of handicapped children is alsocommon. These eugenic practices, however, tragic as they are for the individuals concerned, arestatistically insignificant and this means that North Korea’s low fertility is solely the result ofcovert chemical sterilization via fluoride.North Korea is in stage four of the demographic transition.411 | P a g e

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