Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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The drop in fertility has been accomplished through water fluoridation, fluoride tablets andveneers, and most recently also through GMOs and sterilizing vaccines. The indigenouspopulation was the first to be decimated, then the people living in the largest cities, and now theentire population is affected by one or more methods of covert depopulation.Argentina does have a high contraceptive prevalence rate but Argentinians do not usecontraceptives faithfully and the use of contraceptives play only a marginal role in the strugglefor replacement level fertility, as attested by the fact that even though the contraceptiveprevalence rate has hardly changed since the 1970s, when women had 3.4 children on average,until today, when women can barely muster 2 children.Abortion is illegal in Argentina but it is estimated that 40% of all pregnancies end in abortion. Iftrue, then abortion would be an important factor in Argentina’s low fertility, but would still notexplain how Argentina reached replacement level fertility. Given Argentina’s low fertility priorto the commencement of covert depopulation measures in 1980 it appears that the estimatednumber of abortions is an accurate figure.Argentina’s per capita GDP, which had been stagnant throughout the second half of the 20 thcentury, began to grow as soon as Argentina reached replacement level fertility at the beginningof the 21 st century. Affluence follows low fertility and not vice versa, as it is falsely asserted inorder to hide the use of covert methods of depopulation.Argentina is in stage four of the demographic transition.40 | P a g e

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