Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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28 October 2014Nursultan NazarbayevPresident of Kazakhstaninfo@ortcom.kz, Smimazh@parlam.kzKarim MassimovPrime Minister of Kazakhstankezekshi@mfa.kz, Umurzakov@parlam.kzIgibaeva@parlam.kz, AubakirovaH@parlam.kzPresident Nazarbayev and Prime Minister Massimov,395 | P a g eRe: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresKazakhstan joined the Global Depopulation Policy in 1992, the same year it joined the United Nations,and used covert methods of depopulation until 2002, the result of which the total fertility rate droppedfrom 2.8 children per woman to just 1.8 by 1999. In 2002, your government abandoned covert methodsof depopulation and the total fertility rate has rebounded and it is back at 2.8 children per woman.With a population of only 18 million occupying the ninth largest landmass in the world, Kazakhstan’spopulation density is just 6 people per square kilometer, which is why your country is a great exporter ofgrains and therefore in no need to subvert its people’s reproductive rights for demographic objectives. Infact, Kazakhstan needs more people to realize its full economic, social and cultural potential. That is aprivileged position to be in at a time in world history when the vast majority of nations are dangerouslyoverpopulated.I applaud your decision to break away from the UN-delegated and western sponsored global depopulationprogram and hope that you will aid me in forging global consensus for open, ethical and legal means ofpopulation control, which can only mean legislating family size to replacement level fertility.As I am in the process of forging global consensus for population control legislation from the globalgovernance level as a Planetary Security Prerogative, I hope that you will use Kazakhstan’s UNPermanent Mission to compel the inert UN bureaucracy to stop committing genocide and to start tacklingpopulation control within the law, respectful of democratic processes and considerate of people’s rights tohealthy minds and bodies. You will find all the material you need to change global policy in my freelyavailable work: http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalae.I look forward to meeting with you in person to discuss how we can help each other.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness

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