Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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11 September 2014Ali Hosseini KhameneiSupreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iranhttp://www.leader.ir/langs/en/index.php?p=letterAyatollah Khamenei,Re: immediate cessation of covert methods of depopulationYou have my deepest respect for heeding my call to stop poisoning the Iranian people into infertility withendocrine disruptors. You also have my deepest gratitude for encouraging your country’s civil society toacknowledge and endorse my work on LinkedIn and other social media. <strong>Without</strong> this support thecoalition of mass murderers in control of the western world and of the United Nations would have triedagain to imprison and discredit me, as they have already done on six different occasions.They are desperate because they know that soon the entire world will turn against them and their methodswill be confined to the dustbins of history and their members sent back into the netherworld whence theycrawled out from.Instead of heeding my calls, as you and several other heads of state have done, the West has intensifiedand accelerated its program of depopulation. <strong>Poison</strong>-spraying-airplanes have become ubiquitous in ourskies. The mass murderers are intent on completing their handiwork, the engineered demographictransition. To do so, they are lowering the lifespan of the baby boom generation by a decade or two andhave rendered a quarter of all adults and half of our children infertile; statistics that will become evidentonce the young reach their reproductive years and the old will start dropping like flies of various forms ofcancer.This is by far the greatest slaughter in history and unless we, the sane people of the world, bring it to anend, there will be nothing left of the human species other than mentally retarded and physically degradeddegenerates. Already a good 10% of the populations exposed to chronic poisoning by various endocrinedisrupting toxins for two generations or more fit this description and the genius of the Caucasian race hasbeen annihilated.I am the last line of defense left in the western world. The West is incapable of changing course. Itspeople are too invested in the genocide and, having poisoned each other for nearly seven decades, theylack the intellectual ability to change course since their administrative ranks are made up of cloned idiots.I ask that you meet with me as soon as possible on Persian soil to discuss how to forge global consensusfor worldwide population control through open and legal means. I await your invitation.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness357 | P a g e

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