Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Iceland began its covert sterilization program in 1960 when its total fertility rate was 4.3 childrenper woman and reached replacement level fertility in 1985, where it has hovered ever since withsmall fluctuations up and down.The man responsible for approving the poisoning of his people is President Ásgeir Ásgeirsson(1952-1968). His successors have followed suit: Kristján Eldjárn (1968-1980), VigdísFinnbogadóttir (1980-1996), and the incumbent Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson (in office since 1996).In addition to food, water and beverages adulterated with endocrine disruptors, Iceland also usesthe dental system to sterilize its people with periodic oral applications of fluoride veneers.Sterilization by dentist is the methods of choice for all Scandinavian countries, which is why thegovernment subsidizes dental care.As elsewhere in Western Europe, Iceland too has used contraceptives to conceal thegovernment’s covert chemical sterilization measures.346 | P a g e

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