Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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was put in place and placed under the administration of the Ministry of Health, the politicalleaders that followed those who initiated the program have been largely oblivious due to theirpolitical inconsequence.The program has been more or less forgotten and runs by itself with periodic input from theWHO and other UN agencies that deal directly with Hungary’s Ministry of Health.Hungary has had sub-replacement level fertility since 1970 and the population has been steadilydecreasing since 1981. Since 1996, Hungary has been losing circa 40,000 people or 0.4% peryear. If it stays the course, all Hungarians will be sterile and chronically ill within two decadesand there will be no Hungarians fifty years from now.The contraceptive prevalence rate serves to hide the covert chemical sterilization program sinceHungary reached sub-replacement level fertility long before its people had even seen acontraceptive.The historical record shows that from the late 1950s until 1973 more than half of all pregnanciesended in abortion. Throughout the 1970s the rate went down to 35%. During the 1980s it roseto 40% and during the 1990s to 45%. It has since declined to 30%.The high abortion rate suggests that the Hungarian people share in their government’s genocidalefforts and that where covert methods of sterilization fail the people resort to abortion to keeptheir families low, which is why Hungary is a dying country and its population has beendecreasing since 1981.Hungary is in the fifth and last stage of the demographic transition.343 | P a g e

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