Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Responsible for the introduction of covert sterilization in Hong Kong via fluoridated water arethe British Crown and its administrators who had full control of the colony until 1997.Sir Robert Brown Black, the 23 rd Governor of Hong Kong (1958-1964), initiated the program ofcovert sterilization four years after taking office and at the same time as the government of theUK began poisoning its own people back home. All subsequent British governors of Hong Kongkept it in place as have all Chief Executives of Hong Kong after the handover.The people of Hong Kong take pride in their rights and freedoms and fight hard to preserve themunder the “one country, two systems” that Britain and China agreed upon prior to the transfer ofpower. However, if the people of Hong Kong knew that part and parcel of life in the SpecialAdministrative Region is being covertly sterilized with fluoridated water, they wouldundoubtedly choose the restricted freedoms of mainland China where population control isaccomplished legally and safely through the One-Child-Policy.During the 1990s, Hong Hong’s administrators have tried to stop the program of covertsterilization by increasing contraceptive use to 86% but gave up soon after realizing that337 | P a g e

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