Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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18 January 2015Leung Chun-yingChief Executive of Hong Kongceo@ceo.gov.hk, exco@ceo.gov.hkenquiry@presscouncil.org.hk, xiangwei.wang@scmp.combrian.rhoads@scmp.com, niall.fraser@scmp.comeditor@thestandard.com.hk, marcal.joanilho@singtaonewscorp.comeditor@chinadailyusa.com, sunday@examiner.org.hk,mabuhay@examiner.org.hkChief Executive Leung,335 | P a g eRe: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresHong Kong was forced into the Global Depopulation Policy by its British overlords in 1962when water fluoridation was introduced to subvert human fertility. To date, Hong Kong andSingapore are the countries on earth that are fully fluoridated, which is why Hong Kong andSingapore also have the lowest fertility rates in the world at just 1 child per woman. Prior towater fluoridation Hong Kong’s women had an average of 5 children.The only reason Hong Kong can even maintain a total fertility rate of 1 child per woman isbecause 34% of the married women come from the mainland of China where the population ispoison-free and therefore fertile. Statistics show that 80% of Hong Kong’s population growth isfrom migration. For all intents and purposes Hong Kong has become a terminator city, a killingfield of genetic lineages where every decade a fifth of the natives die out by being poisoned intoextinction.As a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong hascontinued to subvert its people’s reproductive systems with fluoridated water and has establisheditself as China’s graveyard. The damage done to the health of its citizens is so severe that hardlya woman in Hong Kong can give birth naturally and the vast majority of children are born bycesarean section. Moreover, western teachers report that Hong Kong’s children have seriouslearning difficulties. To those who are familiar with the devastating effects of fluoride poisoningon developing fetuses and on children during the first five years of life with respect tointelligence this comes as no surprise.You can continue to commit genocide, Mr. Leung, and write your name in the history booksalongside Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and other unsavory characters and mass murderers or you canjoin my effort to forge global consensus for replacement level fertility as a Planetary SecurityPrerogative enshrined in international law at the global governance level. How to do this andwhy I describe in my just published book The Future of Global Governance.

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