Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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9 December 2014Otto Pérez Molina, President of Guatemalaguatemala@un.int, onupnud@minex.gob.gthttp://noticias.emisorasunidas.com/contactguatemala@oas.org, https://www.facebook.com/ottoperezppPresident Molina,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresAlthough a founding member of the United Nations, Guatemala did not join the GlobalDepopulation Policy until 1998 when it began fluoridating its salt in order to subvert fertilityand, as a result, the nation’s total fertility rate has since decreased from 5 children per woman to3 as of 2014.Honest family planning services took place in the 1970s the result of which the total fertility ratedecreased from 6.5 to 5 children per woman thanks to better education and better access tocontraceptives.Involuntary sterilizations with Depo-Provera and coerced tubal ligations performed by theAsociacion Probienstar de la Familia (APROFAM), the Guatemalan affiliate of theInternational Planned Parenthood Federation, augment the government’s current populationcontrol efforts, which is why despite having the second lowest contraceptive use in LatinAmerica at 38%, Guatemala’s total fertility rate continues to decline rapidly.Considering that Guatemala’s population increased from 3 million in 1950 to almost 16 milliontoday, a fivefold increase, and that population pressures (as well as American interference) werethe main causes of the civil war that ravaged the country from 1960 to 1996, one can understandwhy the Guatemalan government is taking population control seriously. Need notwithstanding,neither you nor your government have the right to poison your people into infertility. Aspresident, however, you have a responsibility to obey the law and to protect your peoples’ rightsand liberties. Clearly you are not doing this, which is why I am giving you this opportunity tochange course before it is too late.To change course, I ask that you begin educating the Guatemalan people about the threats theyface and that you immediately cease and desist all covert and involuntary methods ofdepopulation and legislate replacement level fertility. To make your task easier, I am giving youfree and unrestricted access to my books and videos in the hope that you will encourage thenation’s media to use them without delay.309 | P a g e

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