Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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declining every year since without interruption and up to this day. This decline has been maskedthrough heavy immigration, so heavy in fact that 20% of Germany’s current population is eitherforeign born or of immigrant background.This program of ethnic dilution through covert depopulation and heavy immigration has beenconceived to alter the German race and free it of any delusions of racial superiority and of thebrutal racism that came forth during the Third Reich. It has worked.This program was instituted by the Allied Powers before Konrad Adenauer took office in 1949as Chancellor of West Germany and Walter Ulbricht became General Secretary of East Germanyin 1950. Due to Germany’s unconditional surrender and the presence of occupying militaryforces on West and East German soil, the elected leaders of both East and West Germany havehad no choice but to go along with the demands imposed on them by the U.S., the U.K. and theU.S.S.R.Contraceptive use in Germany from 1945 to 1970, by which time the country reachedreplacement level fertility, was never higher than 30%. The historical record also shows thatabortion has never been higher than 15% in Germany.Therefore, Germany’s low fertility cannot possibly be the result of contraceptive use orabortions. Even at its highest, Germany’s contraceptive prevalence rate never exceeded 78% andthat occurred only briefly from 1983 to 1988. Since 2005, the contraceptive prevalence rate hasbeen at or below 65% and that cannot possibly account for Germany’s consistently low fertility,which since 1973 has been below 1.5 children per woman, with or without contraceptives. Thisobvious disconnect between the contraceptive prevalence rate and the fertility rate is clearly theresult of covert methods of depopulation, which are the true cause of low fertility in Germanyand elsewhere.The program of depopulation has been so intense and the damage done so severe that Germanwomen now have the highest rate of childlessness in the world at 30%. Paradoxically, the severe293 | P a g e

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