Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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These are extremely reckless and immoral actions on the part of the Georgian government, especiallysince bioweapons have been used to contaminate fruit exported to Russia in order to force Russia backinto the fold of the Anglo-Saxon run Global Depopulation Policy, which President Vladimir Putin had thegood sense to detach his country from in 2006. It is such actions, and the ethnic cleansing Georgia hasengaged in since independence in order to get rid of the ethnic component of its population, especially itsRussian citizens, that have caused the war with Russia in 2008 and the loss of two of your provinces,South Ossetia and Abkhazia.If you continue to commit genocide at home, foment war with Russia and export deadly viruses andgerms in order to serve the geopolitical interests of the Anglo-American alliance, you will not only end upbeing executed by your own people for crimes against humanity and genocide but also lose the entirecountry to Russia. Georgia’s freely elected governments have since independence reduced Georgia’spopulation from 5.5 to 4.6 million, a 10% reduction achieved through emigration and low fertility. Atthis rate of population loss, there will be no Georgians fifty years from now.There are, however, encouraging signs that your administration, unlike the two previous ones, is trying toget rid of the bioweapons labs run by the American and British military-industrial complexes on Georgiansoil. I hope that this also signals the end of covert methods of depopulation in Georgia.Georgia can accomplish its international obligations with respect to population control and pursue itseconomic ambitions not by poisoning its people into sterility and premature death but by legislatingreplacement level fertility and empowering the people to assume responsibility over their reproductiverights and exercise self-control for the sake of national wellbeing, global peace, and environmentalsustainability.I am in the process of forging global consensus for a population control law that applies worldwide and Ihope that you will join me and help me accomplish this existentially important goal so that no futureleader has to ever again poison his own people. You can access my work free of cost here:http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalae.I look forward to seeing you on Georgian soil to discuss how we can save the world from insanity and ourchildren from genocide by fundamentally reshaping the international system.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness286 | P a g e

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