Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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28 October 2014Giorgi MargvelashviliPresident of Georgialetter@president.gov.gehttp://www.mfa.gov.ge/index.php?lang_id=ENG&sec_id=69Irakli GaribashviliPrime Minister of Georgiainform@mfa.gov.gehttp://government.gov.ge/index.php?lang_id=ENG&sec_id=378President Margvelashvili and Prime Minister Garibashvili,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresGeorgia joined the Global Depopulation Policy in 1992, the same year it became independent of theSoviet Union and also joined the United Nations. Prior to 1992, births exceeded deaths twofold and thepopulation increased annually by circa 40,000 people. After 1992, the birth and the death rate have beennearly identical and the total fertility rate sank below replacement level for the first time in Georgia’shistory, clear signs of artificial interference with both births and deaths, the trademarks of the UN, itsagencies and its western backers, the core members of the genocidal lobby.Unlike the Soviets, which allowed your population to increase naturally and your people to have controlover their reproductive rights, the freely elected governments of Georgia, aided by western money andUN expertise, are subverting the people’s reproductive rights without shame and are using covertchemical and biological methods to bring population growth to a halt.I do not question the necessity or effectiveness of population control, which allowed your country toreduce the proportion of citizens who live below the poverty line from 54% in 2000 to 30% today, asignificant accomplishment. But I do question the methods – sterilizing vaccines to decrease fertility andgerm-infested food to increase mortality – and the fact that the government of Georgia assumes rights it isnot entitled to and in the process violates the Genocide Convention and every ethical norm there is.What is offensive to your people and to the world, is that the Georgian government collaborates closelywith the American military-industrial complex to create, enhance and deploy biological weapons oninnocent civilians for the purpose of depopulation and that these biological weapons created or enhancedon Georgian soil at the Richard G. Lugar Center for Public and Animal Research in Tbilisi, the nation’scapital, funded and run by Bechtel National, a notorious US defense contractor, are used to causepandemics so as to aid the genocidal lobby in the goal of preventing the birth of new life and causingpremature death throughout the world.285 | P a g e

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