Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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endocrine disruptors from the people’s food and beverages, as well as from dental products anddental care, Finland will soon be empty of Finns.Your stellar metrics of national performance in education, economic competitiveness, civilliberties, quality of life and human development will amount to nothing if the Finns are dyingout.It has become clear to me that the people exposed to covert depopulation measures by endocrinedisruptors for three or more generations lose not only the ability to procreate but also theirintellectual abilities, which is why Europe’s governments are manned by people utterly incapableof recognizing the true causes of the engineered demographic transition and continue to bedriven towards extinction by a very small number of elites who manipulate the institutions ofstate to advance the Global Depopulation Policy.If you are indeed ignorant, I suggest you educate yourselves without delay by reading my workwhich is freely available here: http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalae.Once you know the facts, I hope that you will muster the courage and wisdom to help me forgeglobal consensus for an effective population control law that applies worldwide and isaccomplished through open, legal and equitable means from the global governance level ratherthan is currently the case.If you continue on this path, regardless of your ignorance, be it feigned or real, you will facecharges for crimes against humanity in the foreseeable future.Should you need my help and seek it in good faith, I stand by to travel to Finland and assist youin any way I can.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness267 | P a g e

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