Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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El Salvador joined the Global Depopulation Policy in 1969, but did not force involuntarymethods of sterilization onto the people until 1990 when women still had more than 4 childrendespite better access to contraceptive services and when the government allowed foreign NGOsto start using sterilizing vaccines. This move can be attributed to President Alfredo Cristiani(1989-1994) and is part and parcel of his program of structural reforms. His family’s business,the Semillas Cristiani Burkard (SCB), was the representative of the Monsanto Company inCentral America and in the meantime the entire world knows that the Monsanto Company existssolely to commit genocide through technology. Monsanto purchased SCB in 2008.At the turn of the 21 st century, President Francisco Flores Pérez (1999-2004) introducedfluoridated salt and the country’s population pyramid began tapering at the bottom, whichindicates that smaller cohorts of children are being born. All other presidents have stayed thecourse.With a contraceptive prevalence rate of 66% and abortion being illegal under any and allcircumstances, El Salvador’s low fertility is clearly the result of involuntary sterilization throughfluoridated salt.El Salvador is in stage three of the demographic transition.240 | P a g e

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