Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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18 January 2015Salvador Sánchez CerénPresident of El Salvadorcontacto@presidencia.gob.sv, elsalvador@un.intoirmigob@gobernacion.gob.sv, darwin.arevalo@seguridad.gob.svjaime.martinez@ansp.gob.sv, luis.barrera@seguridad.gob.svhttp://www.fuerzaarmada.gob.sv/, http://www.rree.gob.sv/index.php/contactohttp://www.salud.gob.sv/contacto.htmlPresident Cerén,238 | P a g eRe: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresDespite being a founding member of the United Nations, El Salvador did not join the GlobalDepopulation Policy until 1969. As a result, its total fertility rate declined from 6.5 children perwoman prior to 1969 to just 2.2 today. As elsewhere in Latin America, the covert method ofchoice for subverting human fertility is fluoridated salt, which is augmented by involuntarysterilizations through vaccines.Considering that the population of El Salvador grew from just 2.2 million in 1950 to 6.3 milliontoday, and that the population density is now high at 341 people per square kilometer, ElSalvador has no choice but to continue with population control until it reaches replacement levelfertility, which is what the international order demands of every country on earth now more thanever due to the sustainability prerogative demanded by climate change.Committing genocide, however, in the name of necessary demographic, security andenvironmental goals is neither acceptable nor possible anymore now that I have exposed thedepopulation program and its methodology. Now is the time to change course by reforming theUN and the international order. How to do this I have spelled out in my just published book, TheFuture of Global Governance.I urge you to read my book without delay and to instruct your nation’s ambassador to the UN,Mr. Rubén Ignacio Zamora Rivas, to call for UN reform so the world can embark on a new pathof cooperation and realize peace without poison as well as sustainable development.Such a reorientation of the international order requires also that people are told the truth andgiven the straight facts so they understand why it is necessary to assume responsibility overreproduction and curtail it accordingly. You will find all the material you need to educate yourpeople in my freely available work:

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