Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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13 September 2014Rafael CorreaPresident of Ecuadorinfo@asambleanacional.gov.ecPresident Correa,Re: immediate cessation of covert methods of depopulationNo other leader in Latin America has taken more concrete steps to detach his country from thecurrent Anglo-American-dictated and UN-delegated international system of covert depopulationand coerced globalization.You have rightfully refused to pay the illegitimate and odious debt incurred by the previous andcorrupt leaders of Ecuador. You have reduced poverty and unemployment. You have grantedsanctuary and asylum to Julian Assange who is a global hero. And you have publicly discussedthe program of mass poisoning via chemtrails that America and Europe fund and criminalcorporations such as DynCorp carry out in violation of international law, with diabolical disdainfor human life and dignity, and with the full protection of western governments and theinternational institutions they control and manipulate in order to commit global genocide.Now is the time to instruct your country’s media and civil society to inform the world about theongoing genocide perpetrated on the world’s people covertly in order to achieve demographicobjectives by undemocratic, unlawful and immoral means. Now is the time to protect yourpeople from infertility, chronic illness and mental retardation caused by fluoridated salt byoutlawing this method of population control throughout Ecuador. Now is also the time to meetwith me and help me forge global consensus for worldwide legislation for population control andthe immediate cessation of covert depopulation via endocrine disruptors.Inaction and silence means complicity in crimes against humanity and I am certain that you donot want your legacy to be that of a mass murderer, your grave trampled on by generations ofincensed Ecuadorians, and your children and grandchildren held to account for your mistakes.The hope of the world rests on leaders like you. Do not disappoint us. I stand by to fly toEcuador to discuss how best to rescue your country and the world from a coalition of foreigninterests bent on mass murder.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness230 | P a g e

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