Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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“government sponsored and initially received support from PAHO/WHO and UNFPA” as wellas from “IPPF, OXFAM and the British Ministry for Overseas Development”.The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the World Health Organization(WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the Pan American HealthOrganization (PAHO), have either destroyed the record of their population control activities onthe island or are keeping them secret because all my searches of their databases have borne nofruit whatsoever. Clearly some serious, illegal and immoral experiments have been carried out inDominica, which is why the world is not allowed to know the facts.What is also clear is that very careful records were kept starting in 1950, which suggests thatDominica served as a controlled experiment for early depopulation efforts. CELADE’s 1985study, for instance, is able to quote data that 62% to 79% of all births in Dominica between 1950and 1980 were illegitimate.What is also missing from the record are contraceptive prevalence surveys conducted in 1981and 1982 by Westinghouse (a nuclear power plant operating corporation) in St. Lucia, Antigua,Dominica, and St. Vincent. What remains are indirect references to these surveys by theBarbados Family Planning Association, which interestingly reveals that 70% of all women inDominica had been exposed to contraceptives, a rate higher than anywhere else in the world atthat time and to this day paralleled only by China and a handful of European countries. Morethan this, women 40 to 44 years old are “potential contraceptors” to the tune of 89%, which is arate unheard of anywhere else on the planet even today, let alone in the 1980s, and that in acountry that is the poorest in the Caribbean and among the poorest in the world. The study alsoreveals that 18.2 % of all women in Dominica were surgically sterilized by 1982, seven yearsbefore any official family planning programs began offering such services on the island.That endocrine disruptors such as fluoride have been used and continue to be used in Dominicato subvert fertility is suggested by the fact that the island has the highest obesity prevalence ofboth sexes in the Eastern Caribbean, with 38% of all males and 64% of all females being obese.This places Dominica on rank 11 of the 20 most obese countries in the world, according to dataheld by the World Health Organization. These statistics show that endocrine disruptors havebeen used over multiple generations in Dominica. And this can only mean that the people arebeing covertly poisoned with fluoride since 1961; fluoride being the only endocrine disruptorused to subvert human fertility at that time.Since Dominica has not declared either the use of fluoridated salt or water, and has no free dentalprogram to apply fluoride veneers periodically into people’s mouths, one can only conclude thatyour government poisons the people into sterility with fluoride entirely in secret and by a methodthat is yet to be confessed.221 | P a g e

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