Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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4 November 2014Charles SavarinPresident of Dominicapresidentsoffice@dominica.gov.dm, health@dominica.gov.dm,nationalsecurity@dominica.gov.dm, cdpf@dominica.gov.dmeditor@thedominican.net, inquiries@dominicavibes.dmRoosevelt SkerritPrime Minister of Dominicaopm@dominica.gov.dm, foreignaffairs@dominica.gov.dmsocialservices@dominica.gov.dm, genderaffairs@dominica.gov.dmdppa@cwdom.dm, news@dominicanewsonline.comPresident Savarin and Prime Minister Skerrit,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresDominica was forced into the Global Depopulation Policy by its British overlords in 1961,seventeen years before it became an independent nation and a UN member state. As a result, thenumber of births per 1000 people per year decreased from 47 in 1961 to just 13 in 2012. Thisearly interference with people’s fertility and the high emigration rate have ensured that theisland’s population has remained relatively stable, adding only 12,000 people in 54 years, amodest 20% increase.Since 2002, the total fertility rate has been kept at replacement level with mathematicalprecision, which indicates that the fertility of the Dominican people is being controlled throughinvoluntary surgical sterilizations. Abortion, to this day, remains illegal.No official family planning services existed in Dominica until 1976 when the Dominica PlannedParenthood Association (DPPA) was founded, but by which time the fertility rate had alreadyhalved, from 47 to 24 births per 1000 people; a decrease that can only be explained by covertsterilization. Furthermore, until 1989 the DPPA provided only information and education onfamily planning but no clinical services or contraceptives.In its 1985 study, the Centro Latinoamericano de Demografia (CELADE) confirms that “up toas late as 1973 there was no organized family planning programme on the island” in this “veryCatholic country” and that the first such programme “got underway in 1973” and was220 | P a g e

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