Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Algeria’s population pyramid and the total fertility graph both clearly show that the Algeriangovernment began interfering with the fertility of its citizens in 1976 and continued to do so untilten years ago, which is why the total fertility rate declined from more than 7 down to nearly twochildren per woman from 1976 to 2005 and from 2005 until today it has climbed back up tonearly 3 children per woman.This means that Algeria’s population control program began under President HouariBoumediene (1965-1978) and continued under presidents Rabah Bitat (1978-1979), ChadliBendjedid (1979-1992), Ali Kafi (1992-1994), Liamine Zéroual (1995-1999), and the incumbentAbdelaziz Bouteflika (since April 1999).President Bouteflika, however, relaxed the program of covert sterilization from 2002 onward andthe total fertility rate has as a result recovered somewhat. As former president of the UnitedNations General Assembly (1974-5), President Bouteflika is intimately familiar with the UNdelegatedGlobal Depopulation Policy, its methods and means.22 | P a g e

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